Friday, April 15, 2011

37 Week Update

Well on Sunday I will be 37 weeks, and today I had my check up...

If this baby isn't taking after me in my teen years... I don't know who she is taking after!

I am going to try and make my update short and sweet, but I can say I am beyond confused. We all already know neither of my boys ever dropped into my pelvis, and that was the reason for scheduling my c-section this time around for May 3rd...

Well the past couple days, I have had pains and feelings I never got with either boy, but didn't want to worry about it because every pregnancy is different... Today the OB at my practice confirmed that yes, Little Miss A HAS dropped down into my pelvis, and I almost died of shock.

I am still pretty thick, but starting to dilate.

So I started asking a ton of questions, and what if's...

Basically... I have been given the green light for a trial of labor, if that is what I want when the time comes...

I think I have decided if I go into labor before my scheduled c-section date, I will give it a try for a VBA2C, but if I do not go into labor on my own before May 3rd, I am going to continue with my original plan to have a scheduled c-section...


I have to go for another ultrasound on Wednesday because my fundal height (belly) is only measuring 33 weeks... so if I go on Wednesday and the baby has started to slow in growth again (17th% last time) if she has dropped below the 17th% at all, I am likely going to be delivering Wednesday night... or Thursday. And that will be the end of the road...

I would certainly prefer to deliver on Wednesday though, as that is Will's late Grandmother's birthday, and she was such an amazing woman, and she was a second mother to him. It would really be an amazing day for our little girl to come into the world.

So as much as I have wanted to try and plan this for comfort... Someone else just DOESN'T want us to have any kind of plan in place!

So... here it to winging it from here on out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What are some of the pros & cons of your situation, if you don't mind me asking?