Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Barack Obama...

Today Will got a voice mail today on his cell phone from his union about a phone bank they are doing to get fellow union members across the country to call other union members to encourage them to not only sign up to vote but to vote for Barack Obama. Which I thought was pretty neat. I really like that the union is backing him.

Today we went to visit Will's Grandmother in the nursing home. She is always to excited to see Camden. Here are a few pictures

She absolutely adores him.

In the end... I hurt my knee today... Bad..
I was standing up at my mothers house, moved the wrong way, and aggravated an old softball injury. I felt like someone pulled a Nancy Karigan on my ass.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow look, Camden finally figured out who the lady was! The both have the same hair too! Glad he was awake enough after his little nappy nap to get some pictures with Gram.