Sunday, January 3, 2010

Relaxing Through The New Year...

I must say, I am happy at how much I have got done this weekend. From going through and packing away clothes neither boy, or any other child will see for a LONG time, to bringing down Camden's old stuff to go through for Ben.... packing away the Christmas stuff, cleaned the kitchen... just got a lot of stuff done.

In the mix of it all, I made myself a small list of things I want to get done this year...
  • Complete the CAPPA Childbirth Educator Distance program. (This is my biggest goal for the year and really the only thing standing in the way is the $500+ I need to complete it for the time being.)
  • Lose 30 pounds. I am going to try and get rid of the weight that I just cant shake from my second pregnancy, as well as work on my abs and getting somewhere with this post cesarean pooch. (Though some say I will have it forever)
  • Switch our bedroom with the children's bedroom. The boys currently have the biggest room in the house and as time goes on, my husband and I are needing the room since the boys basically room in with us anyways!
  • Potty training #1... Camden just turned 2 in December, and he is aware of potty, and certainly more vocal than he was when I first attempted this. Now we are equipped with pull ups and going to get started.
  • Work more on my blogs, increase my writing, and broaden my horizons.
  • Improve my cooking skills. I must say, sometimes the last thing I want to do is actually cook dinner, but with my new Rachel Ray pots and pans set, I am hoping to get a fire under my ass.
  • Work on improving our home, we have a lot of small projects we want to get finished, but come the spring, the first thing will be getting our stone walkway laid out, and bushed planted!
  • Take more pictures. While I have been taking more lately, I really feel like I should be taking much more for my boys.
  • Getting all the pictures from our computer onto disks, printed and into photo albums!
  • Create my own recipe book! I have a bunch of recipes laying around, and I want to get a book that I can put them all into, like a binder type deal.
  • Get professional pictures of the children done. I have been meaning to get it done, havent had the time or money. I would love to have a nice picture for our mantel of the family.
I know there are some things that Will wants to get done. But his are more along the lines of the fire department, I know his first goal is to complete Fire 1 which is a class, and a step towards being able to really be a paid firefighter.

But really, I think we will all most likely focus on being a family, being close, and have our boys thrive.

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