Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Echo Hose Softball 2-0!

Last night was Echo Hose's second softball game. And the team is officially 2-0! They won over Seymour's Fire House in a truly comical game.After the display of these clowns playing last night, I will be sure to be at EVERY game! Some of the moments were simply priceless.I snapped a ton of great pictures which spread like wildfire through facebook once we got home and I uploaded them. It was slightly on the cold side though. I am hoping that it warms up. Seriously we were FROZEN by the time we got home. I had to take a bath to thaw!

Couple of the guys before the game. Jonesy, Andrew, Brennan, CJ, Steve, and Jr is kind of in the picture...
Will up to bat

Gerry battingKerry Anne and Ben all cuddled up staying warm.

All the guys after the game.

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