Monday, July 26, 2010

Long Needed Update

Well, Friday I had my Wisdom teeth out, and it became a hellish ordeal. The whole ride back from the oral surgeon, we needed to continue to pull over left and right so I could get sick. It was horrid.
Will came home around 5pm from work, and my mother took me to her house, and got all of my medications filled.

I thought I was going to die. It sounds dramatic, but with my fear of dentists, and the way I felt, it was the closest thought in my mind. Needless to say, I am clearly alive.

I had Saturday and Sunday of recovery at my parents house which helped a TON! Especially because my face was so swollen it would have been downright scary for the kids to see. Camden still knows I have a "boo boo" because of the large bruise I have...

Either way, I am so over this whole thing. I have another good week of recovery, and then tons more things on the schedule for the next two weeks...

This Friday, Saturday, and Sunday is the Passion for Birth Workshop I am hosting in Milford to help women locally become Lamaze Educated Childbirth Educators. I planned this earlier in the year, and I am so excited it is finally here.

Then I am home with the kids for barely 3 and a half days, and I am off to NYC for 4 days. I leave Thursday the 5th (Dad's birthday) for the hotel, and meeting with the Publishing company... Oh ya, Did I mention I pitched a book deal to a publishing company, and they wanted to meet with me in Manhattan? BOOOYA!
So then Friday the BlogHer conference starts, tours of NYC, the Martha Stewart Blogger party I was invited, to, and all the other bells and whistles I am so excited about....
Wouldn't you be?

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