For the past two days, Camden has been walking around the house asking to go to school. Yes, a child that is actually asking about school. I immediately figured I need to document this part of his life well, because in another 12 years he is going to be doing anything and everything to get out of going to school.
Pictures, and proof that at one point in time, he was literally begging to go to school will be handy once he decides he would rather sleep all day. Although it is not a great picture, and I took it with my cell phone camera before he decided to take his school apparel off. How cute is he? He went into his bedroom and got his backpack, then grabbed his baseball cap like Daddy always does before he heads out of the house, and walked towards the front door proclaiming he was going to school 9:30 at night.
So today, part two of the school thing began, and I am not actively looking for a pre-school program that he can attend 2-3 days a week to break him into "school" and give me a much needed break. I will still have Ben at home, but knowing that Camden will be having some kind of one-on-one teaching, and learning going on is a great help.
There are some days I cherish the simple moments of filling up a sippy cup with milk, while seeing Ben on the other side of the gate just watching me, and waiting for it. These moments are becoming more and more numbered in my increasingly busy day to day life. I am still a full time stay at home mother, but I have switched over into a work at home mother, with the social media aspect of things, I am hoping to launch my own consulting service by the start of 2011, and I am writing a book.
Yes, you heard me correctly. I am authoring a book right now. It has been an idea that I have always toyed with, but the idea was ironed in stone when I had interest from a publishing company. I am going into New York City again on the 10th of September (barring any problems) to meet with one of the editors.
It is the little moments like this with the boys that make me think life may be normal again someday...
As most of you who read (since you are family) know my Sister-In-Law Liz just graduated from Southern with her degree in teaching this past May. We were super proud of her accomplishment, and it was exciting to be able to witness her graduation with the kids.
Fast forward to this past week. She learned that there was an opening at the Bridgeport Aquaculture school. Not only did she go there, but I also did when I was in high school, and we both LOVED it! She went on to become a biology teacher after her experience. I wish I could have said the same, but it certainly made me more of an environmental activist.
At the same time that she learned about, and applied for this position, she was offered a position at the high school she went to, and is local to us. We were all super excited for her, but secretly pulling for her to get the job at the Aquaculture school.
As we sat on pins and needles along with her, we learned today that the job at the Aquaculture school was filled, and she will be taking the other position, but let me tell you.... The Aquaculture school is totally going to be missing out... And our local school is totally going to be benefiting from having her on staff!
I have been talking about it for nearly two months, and then I was waiting for my poor cloth diapers to be released from Customs, and now they are finally here. I love them! We got a full time cloth diapering set from Apple Cheeks, an awesome Canadian based company, and now we are fully cloth diapering Ben.
Not only have we cut back on the money we are spending on diapers, we are being more green, and helping to reduce our garbage output from our house. Now just to potty train Camden!
Calling what I have been in the past couple weeks busy would be one of the world's biggest understatements. I have done the amount of things in a 3 week period that most people would space out for three months.First having my wisdom teeth out. As if that wasn't horrid enough, I scheduled it the week before I was set to take a three day childbirth educator workshop.
I passed with flying colors and I am officially "Lamaze Educated" and now I can start writing my class, and preparing to sit for my Lamaze certification exam. My original plan was to sit for the October exam, but when I learned more during my workshop, I decided I will sit in April, and make sure I am fully prepared. I do not want or need to take the test twice.It also gives me time to observe another class, and write my own course. I saw an example of one woman's class, and almost fainted. It was as thick as some dictionaries I have seen. Although it was only printed on one side. PHEW!
I was home for barely 3 full days from the Passion for Birth workshop when I packed up and left for BlogHer 2010. I was lucky enough to have Lamaze, Kandoo, Go Mama Go Designs, and RJS Designs to sponsor me, so my trip was paid for. I am SO glad I scraped together the sponsorships and was able to go. I had an awesome experience. I wrote a long in full wrap up here, but I will still share a couple pictures.
I went in on Thursday, which was Dad's birthday, so he came with me, helped me get settled in, and then went home for the evening. I am glad he did because there is NO WAY I could have made it around the city with that suitcase without him!
I met up with my roommate Marie, who I absolutely love! We are planning a small weekend vacation to the Jersey Shore in September to visit with her again. She probably was one of my favorite parts of the trip!
Then was the pure insanity of the next two days which included me winning a flip video camera, $100 to, coupons up the wazoo from Egglands Best, and of course, the BIG prize, 2 Dell Laptops from the Window's Microsoft Suite on the 43rd floor.
Yes, that is what I went home with. And actually, there were bags on the side of the bed, and stuff piled up in my suitcase also. When Julie (a friend of mine) told me I needed a second suitcase just for swag, I should have listened!
Some other highlights? I met a ton of my favorite bloggers :
Overall I had a totally amazing time. We got to eat a cake from Charm City Cakes, you know the Ace of Cakes people on the Food Network, I made connections with Playskool, Nikon, Fisherprice, Sears/K-Mart, and a ton of other brands. I would say my trip was uber successful.
Now the next couple days is unpacking (still) catching up on e-mails, wading through business cards, re-connecting with those I met, and upping the number of blogs, and twitter accounts I follow so I don't miss anything from my new favorite ladies.
By the way, next August Will & I will be making the trip to San Diego for BlogHer 2011. We have already discussed it, and we are going to make it a vacation with just the two of us, and make it more than just business for me.